
To become a verb is a major success for a centralized web company. The goal of any ambitious startup is to no longer be a name, but a thing someone does (e.g.: I googled a recipe that I tweeted to my followers before ubering home.) In a shallow sense, it is a success because the company has cornered their market; they've inhabited a need so fully that their name is synonmous with the need itself. In a deeper sense, it is a success because, in the act of becoming a verb, the actual company disappears.

Verbs are objective and matterless tools of language. They hold no contextual weight beyond the promise of their action. If I “search” for something, the verb “search” is not shaded with connotations of surveillance, personal data markets, or targeted ads. It only evokes the personal meanings I've attached to this action. In the same way, “google” the verb is freed from all the dark context of Google the company. The quicker a company can become a verb, the quicker it will be free of its shadow.

What happens if we don't try to incorporate into a verb? What happens if we simply try to increase the amount of verbs a person knows? What happens if we build fully in the sun, so we don't have to figure out how to stow our shadows?