These are roses found at the Wellington Botanical Garden on a Sunday in December, 2020. This is not the entire rose collection, just the ones Angelica and I stopped at cos they called to us.
I give you my thoughts on these roses!
Heart Throb
Lemony and clean like a fresh shower

Leonardo Da Vinci
Beautiful colour like a millennial coming of age film, but smelled of nothing. Looks and smells like paper flowers.

Pleasant folds and calming colour. A dense, wonderful flower that smells like honey. Absolute favourite of the bunch, like inhaling rose candy.

Diamonds Forever
Smells like the car freshener of a girl who works at the mall.

Eye of the tiger
No smell. Loved by bees though, more here than any other rose bush. Perhaps its scent is not meant for humans? The most beautiful colours.

Double Delight
Classic rose scent. Like Mario in mario kart: the platonic ideal of average.

Burgundy Iceberg
Distinctive look, like a dried antique. Very gothic. Smells like ketchup.

Faint wisp of apple, ethereal but familiar, like the presence of a person after they left. Beautiful yellow.

Kate Sheppard
Recommended to us by a fellow walker. Tall and juicy fruit scent, like a fresh cut apple. The strong older brother of our previous yellow friend.

Class Act
Honestly smells like a smoker’s apartment.

Sheila’s Perfume
Magnetic. Strong stone fruit and sherbet scent. Memorable. A favourite up there with Aotearoa above and “My Dad” below.

Classic rose look, but smelled musky like lunch meat.

Palmer’s Gold
Soft, sugary, and earthy–reminded me of both a calm morning and tween lip gloss. Beautiful, symetrical petals that made the rose look like origami.

An Ironically lonely, sparse flower. Smells like a santeria oil I used to drop onto my bed and would give me subtle asthma attacks.

Summer Dream
Smells like a road trip; desert rock and hot air from open window

Massey University
No smell, but good name.

City of Auckland
Peachy and earthy, like sun-warmed skin.

Matawhero Magic
Great name great colour. Subtle scent–it’s deeper and not fruity. Reminded me of bark and honey.

Scent to Remember
The scent to remember is a faint rust.

Apricot Scentasia
A delicate Scentasia. Lives up to its name in unexpected ways

Love me do
A strong, pleasant scent. Reminded us of lemon rose turkish delights.

My Dad
Charming, intelligent, and evocative. Smells of soap w a subtle tang of machinery. Like hugging yr dad after he’s been working in the garage, gojo hand soap and motor oil. A delightful flower!